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Effective Approximations for Spatial Task Allocation Problems

Daniel Claes, Philipp Robbel, Frans A. Oliehoek, Daniel Hennes, and Karl Tuyls. Effective Approximations for Spatial Task Allocation Problems. In Proceedings of the 25th Belgian-Dutch Conference on Artificial Intelligence (BNAIC), pp. 33–40, 2013. Best paper runner up.


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BibTeX Entry

    author    = {Daniel Claes and Philipp Robbel and  Frans A. Oliehoek and
                 Daniel Hennes and Karl Tuyls},
    title =     {Effective Approximations for Spatial Task Allocation Problems},
    booktitle = BNAIC13,
    year      = {2013},
    pages =     {33--40},
    note =      {Best paper runner up.},    

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