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Maximizing Information Gain in Partially Observable Environments via Prediction Rewards

Yash Satsangi, Sungsu Lim Lim, Shimon Whiteson, Frans A. Oliehoek, and Martha White. Maximizing Information Gain in Partially Observable Environments via Prediction Rewards. In Proceedings of the Nineteenth International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS), pp. 1215–1223, May 2020.


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BibTeX Entry

    author= {Satsangi, Yash
            and Lim, Sungsu Lim
            and Whiteson, Shimon
            and Oliehoek, Frans A.
            and White, Martha}, 
    title =     {Maximizing Information Gain in Partially Observable Environments via Prediction Rewards},
    booktitle = AAMAS20,
    year =      2020,
    month =     may,
    pages =  {1215--1223},
    keywords =   {refereed},
    abstract = {}

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