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Explaining Learned Reward Functions with Counterfactual Trajectories

Jan Wehner, Frans Oliehoek, and Luciano Cavalcante Siebert. Explaining Learned Reward Functions with Counterfactual Trajectories. In ECAI 2024 Workshop on Implementing AI Ethics Through a Behavioural Lens, October 2024.


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BibTeX Entry

       author = {{Wehner}, Jan and {Oliehoek}, Frans and {Cavalcante Siebert}, Luciano},
    booktitle = {ECAI 2024 Workshop on Implementing AI Ethics Through a Behavioural Lens},
        title = {Explaining Learned Reward Functions with Counterfactual Trajectories},
         year = 2024,
        month = oct,
    keywords =  {refereed},

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