This is my old site

Finally, I've also gone for the convenience of a wordpress site... Please find my updated site at:

About me

I am a Lecturer at the University of Liverpool. I try to generate fundamental knowledge about algorithms and models for complex tasks. In addition, I think about how such abstract models might be applied to challenging real-world tasks such as collaboration in multi-robot systems, optimization of traffic control systems, intelligent e-commerce agents, etc.

You might be interested in me in various capacities:

Clearly, there is a bunch of other stuff I do, such as research, teaching, supervision, etc. You will find more about these activities on the rest of my site.


I was born in Utrecht, The Netherlands. Before, becoming a full-time lecturer in Liverpool I was Veni researcher at the University of Amsterdam, assistant professor at Maastricht University, where I also did a postdoc working with Karl Tuyls and Gerhard Weiss. I also did a postdoc in the learning and intelligent systems group (LIS) at MIT, where I worked with Leslie Kaelbling. I obtained my PhD from the University of Amsterdam under guidance of Nikos Vlassis and Frans Groen.

Research interests

My main interests lie in the field of decision making under uncertainty and multiagents systems. I have great interest in related fields such as planning, reinforcement learning, optimization, machine learning, graphical models, probabilistic inference and game theory.

For more information look here.

News (& old news)