►NArgumentHandlers | ArgumentHandlers contains functionality for parsing and handling command-line arguments |
CArguments | Arguments contains all defined parameters to be set on the command line |
►Ncomment_cbonlp | |
CCommentBlankorNewLineParser | |
►NDPOMDPFormatParsing | |
►CParserDPOMDPFormat_Spirit | ParserDPOMDPFormat_Spirit is a parser for DecPOMDPDiscrete |
CAddAction | |
CAddAgents | |
CAddModels | |
CAddObservation | |
CAddStartState | |
CAddState | |
CDebugOutput | |
CDebugOutputNoParsed | |
►CDecPOMDPFileParser | |
Cdefinition | |
Cdp_SetDiscountParam | |
CInitialize | |
CInitializeActions | |
CInitializeDPOMDP | |
CInitializeObservations | |
CInitializeStates | |
CNextFloatOfRow | |
CNextRowOfMatrix | |
CNextStringOfIdentList | |
CNYI | |
CProcessOMatrix | |
CProcessOProb | |
CProcessORow | |
CProcessR | |
CProcessRMatrix | |
CProcessRRow | |
CProcessStartStateList | |
CProcessTMatrix | |
CProcessTProb | |
CProcessTRow | |
CResetCurIdentList | |
CResetCurMatrix | |
CSetAgentIndex | |
CSetLastParsedType | |
CSetNextAgentIndex | |
CSetNrActions | |
CSetNrAgents | |
CSetNrObservations | |
CSetNrStates | |
CStartStateExludes | |
CStartStateRowProbs | |
CStoreLastParsedElement | |
CStoreLPAction | |
CStoreLPFromState | |
CStoreLPJointAction | |
CStoreLPJointObservation | |
CStoreLPObservation | |
CStoreLPToState | |
CWildCardJointAction | Called before StoreLPJointAction in case of a wildcard '*' joint action |
CWildCardJointObservation | Called before StoreLPJointObservation in case of a wildcard '*' joint action |
►NPOMDPFormatParsing | |
►CParserPOMDPFormat_Spirit | ParserPOMDPFormat_Spirit is a parser for the .pomdp file format |
CAddAction | |
CAddModels | |
CAddObservation | |
CAddStartState | |
CAddState | |
CDebugOutput | |
CDebugOutputNoParsed | |
Cdp_SetDiscountParam | |
CInitialize | |
CInitializeActions | |
CInitializeObservations | |
CInitializePOMDP | |
CInitializeStates | |
CNextFloatOfRow | |
CNextRowOfMatrix | |
CNextStringOfIdentList | |
CNYI | |
►CPOMDPFileParser | |
Cdefinition | |
CProcessOMatrix | |
CProcessOProb | |
CProcessORow | |
CProcessR | |
CProcessRMatrix | |
CProcessRRow | |
CProcessStartStateList | |
CProcessTMatrix | |
CProcessTProb | |
CProcessTRow | |
CResetCurIdentList | |
CResetCurMatrix | |
CSetAgentIndex | |
CSetLastParsedType | |
CSetNextAgentIndex | |
CSetNrActions | |
CSetNrAgents | |
CSetNrObservations | |
CSetNrStates | |
CStartStateExludes | |
CStartStateRowProbs | |
CStoreLastParsedElement | |
CStoreLPAction | Stores the last-parsed action: |
CStoreLPFromState | |
CStoreLPJointAction | |
CStoreLPJointObservation | |
CStoreLPObservation | |
CStoreLPToState | |
CWildCardJointAction | Called before StoreLPJointAction in case of a wildcard '*' joint action |
CWildCardJointObservation | Called before StoreLPJointObservation in case of a wildcard '*' joint action |
►Nstd | STL namespace |
Cless< BGIP_BnB_Node * > | Overload the less<Type> template for BGIP_BnB_Node* (we want less to give an ordering according to values, not addresses...) |
Cless< BGIP_BnB_NodePtr > | |
Cless< boost::shared_ptr< JPPVValuePair > > | |
Cless< boost::shared_ptr< PartialJointPolicyValuePair > > | |
Cless< JointPolicyValuePair * > | Overload the less<Type> template for JointPolicyValuePair* (we want less to give an ordering according to values, not addresses...) |
Cless< JointPolicyValuePair_sharedPtr > | |
Cless< JPPVValuePair * > | Overload the less<Type> template for JPolValuePair* (we want less to give an ordering according to values, not addresses...) |
Cless< PartialJointPolicyValuePair * > | Overload the less<Type> template for PartialJointPolicyValuePair* (we want less to give an ordering according to values, not addresses...) |
Cless< PartialJPDPValuePair * > | Overload the less<Type> template for JPolValPair* (we want less to give an ordering according to values, not addresses...) |
Cless< PartialJPDPValuePair_sharedPtr > | |
CAction | Action is a class that represent actions |
CActionDiscrete | ActionDiscrete represents discrete actions |
CActionHistory | ActionHistory represents an action history of a single agent |
CActionHistoryTree | ActionHistoryTree is a wrapper for ActionHistory |
CActionObservationHistory | ActionObservationHistory represents an action-observation history of an agent |
CActionObservationHistoryTree | ActionObservationHistoryTree is a wrapper for ActionObservationHistory |
CAgent | Agent represents an agent |
CAgentBG | AgentBG represents an agent which uses a BG-based policy |
CAgentDecPOMDPDiscrete | AgentDecPOMDPDiscrete represents an agent in a discrete DecPOMDP setting |
CAgentDelayedSharedObservations | AgentDelayedSharedObservations represents an agent that acts on local observations and the shared observation at the previous time step |
CAgentFullyObservable | AgentFullyObservable represents an agent that receives the true state, the joint observation and also the reward signal |
CAgentLocalObservations | AgentLocalObservations represents an agent that acts on local observations |
CAgentMDP | AgentMDP represents an agent which uses a MDP-based policy |
CAgentOnlinePlanningMDP | AgentOnlinePlanningMDP represents an agent with an online MDP policy |
CAgentPOMDP | AgentPOMDP represents an agent which POMDP-based policy |
CAgentQLearner | AgentQLearner applies standard single-agent Q-learning in the joint action and state space |
CAgentQMDP | AgentQMDP represents an agent which uses a QMDP-based policy |
CAgentRandom | AgentRandom represents an agent which chooses action uniformly at random |
CAgentSharedObservations | AgentSharedObservations is represents an agent that benefits from free communication, i.e., it can share all its observations |
CAgentTOIFullyObservableSynced | AgentTOIFullyObservableSynced represents an agent that receives the true state, the joint observation and also the reward signal |
CAgentTOIFullyObservableSyncedSpecialReward | AgentTOIFullyObservableSyncedSpecialReward represents an AgentTOIFullyObservableSynced |
CAlphaVector | AlphaVector represent an alpha vector used in POMDP solving |
CAlphaVectorBG | AlphaVectorBG implements Bayesian Game specific functionality for alpha-vector based planning |
CAlphaVectorConstrainedPOMDP | AlphaVectorConstrainedPOMDP implements Constrained POMDP specific functionality for alpha-vector based planning |
CAlphaVectorPlanning | AlphaVectorPlanning provides base functionality for alpha-vector based POMDP or BG techniques |
CAlphaVectorPOMDP | AlphaVectorPOMDP implements POMDP specific functionality for alpha-vector based planning |
CAlphaVectorPruning | AlphaVectorPruning reduces sets of alpha vectors to their parsimonious representation via LP-based pruning |
CAlphaVectorWeighted | AlphaVectorWeighted implements a weighted BG/POMDP backup |
CBayesianGame | BayesianGame is a class that represents a general Bayesian game in which each agent has its own utility function |
CBayesianGameBase | BayesianGameBase is a class that represents a Bayesian game |
CBayesianGameCollaborativeGraphical | BayesianGameCollaborativeGraphical represents a collaborative graphical Bayesian game |
CBayesianGameForDecPOMDPStage | BayesianGameForDecPOMDPStage represents a BG for a single stage |
CBayesianGameForDecPOMDPStageInterface | BayesianGameForDecPOMDPStageInterface is a class that represents the base class for all Bayesian games that are used to represent a stage of a Dec-POMDP (e.g., in GMAA*) |
CBayesianGameIdenticalPayoff | BayesianGameIdenticalPayoff is a class that represents a Bayesian game with identical payoffs |
CBayesianGameIdenticalPayoffInterface | BayesianGameIdenticalPayoffInterface provides an interface for Bayesian Games with identical payoffs |
CBayesianGameIdenticalPayoffSolver | BayesianGameIdenticalPayoffSolver is an interface for solvers for Bayesian games with identical payoff |
CBayesianGameIdenticalPayoffSolver_T | BayesianGameIdenticalPayoffSolver_T is an interface for solvers for Bayesian games with identical payoff |
CBayesianGameWithClusterInfo | BayesianGameWithClusterInfo represents an identical-payoff BG that can be clustered |
CBelief | Belief represents a probability distribution over the state space |
CBeliefInterface | BeliefInterface is an interface for beliefs, i.e., probability distributions over the state space |
CBeliefIterator | BeliefIterator is an iterator for dense beliefs |
CBeliefIteratorGeneric | BeliefIteratorGeneric is an iterator for beliefs |
CBeliefIteratorInterface | BeliefIteratorInterface is an interface for iterators over beliefs |
CBeliefIteratorSparse | BeliefIteratorSparse is an iterator for sparse beliefs |
CBeliefSetNonStationary | BeliefSetNonStationary represents a non-stationary belief set |
CBeliefSparse | BeliefSparse represents a probability distribution over the state space |
CBG_FactorGraphCreator | BG_FactorGraphCreator will create a FG from a BG |
CBGCG_Solver | BGCG_Solver is a base class for collaborative graphical bayesian games |
CBGCG_SolverCreator | BGCG_SolverCreator is a class that represents an object that can create a BGCG_Solver |
CBGCG_SolverCreator_FG | BGCG_SolverCreator_FG creates BGCG Solvers with Max Plus |
CBGCG_SolverCreator_MP | BGCG_SolverCreator_MP creates BGCG Solvers with Max Plus |
CBGCG_SolverCreator_NDP | BGCG_SolverCreator_NDP creates BGCG Solvers with Non-serial Dynamic Programming |
CBGCG_SolverCreator_Random | BGCG_SolverCreator_Random creates a BGCG Solver that gives random solutions |
CBGCG_SolverFG | |
CBGCG_SolverMaxPlus | BGCG_SolverMaxPlus is a class that performs max plus for BGIPs with agents independence |
CBGCG_SolverNonserialDynamicProgramming | BGCG_SolverNonserialDynamicProgramming implements non-serial dynamic programming for collaborative graphical Bayesian games |
CBGCG_SolverRandom | BGCG_SolverRandom is a class that represents a BGCG solver that returns a random joint BG policy |
CBGforStageCreation | BGforStageCreation is a class that provides some functions to aid the construction of Bayesian games for a stage of a Dec-POMDP |
CBGIP_BnB_Node | BGIP_BnB_Node represents a node in the search tree of BGIP_SolverBranchAndBound |
CBGIP_IncrementalSolverCreatorInterface_T | BGIP_IncrementalSolverCreatorInterface_T is an interface for classes that create BGIP solvers |
CBGIP_IncrementalSolverInterface | BGIP_IncrementalSolverInterface is an interface for BGIP_Solvers that can incrementally return multiple solutions |
CBGIP_IncrementalSolverInterface_T | BGIP_IncrementalSolverInterface_T is an interface for BGIP_Solvers that can incrementally return multiple solutions |
CBGIP_SolverAlternatingMaximization | BGIP_SolverAlternatingMaximization implements an approximate solver for identical payoff Bayesian games, based on alternating maximization |
CBGIP_SolverBFSNonIncremental | BGIP_SolverBFSNonIncremental is a class that performs Brute force search for identical payoff Bayesian Games |
CBGIP_SolverBranchAndBound | BGIP_SolverBranchAndBound is a class that performs Branch-and-Bound search for identical payoff Bayesian Games |
CBGIP_SolverBruteForceSearch | BGIP_SolverBruteForceSearch is a class that performs Brute force search for identical payoff Bayesian Games |
CBGIP_SolverCE | BGIP_SolverCE is a class that performs Cross Entropy optimization for identical payoff Bayesian Games |
CBGIP_SolverCreator_AM | BGIP_SolverCreator_AM creates BGIP Solvers with Alternating Maximization |
CBGIP_SolverCreator_BFS | BGIP_SolverCreator_BFS creates BGIP Solvers with Brute Force Search |
CBGIP_SolverCreator_BFSNonInc | BGIP_SolverCreator_BFSNonInc creates BGIP Solvers with Brute Force Search |
CBGIP_SolverCreator_BnB | BGIP_SolverCreator_BnB creates BGIP Solvers with Branch-and-Bound search |
CBGIP_SolverCreator_CE | BGIP_SolverCreator_CE creates BGIP Solvers with Cross Entropy |
CBGIP_SolverCreator_MP | BGIP_SolverCreatorInterface_T_MP creates BGIP Solvers with Max Plus |
CBGIP_SolverCreator_Random | BGIP_SolverCreator_Random creates a BGIP Solver that gives random solutions |
CBGIP_SolverCreatorInterface | BGIP_SolverCreatorInterface is an interface for classes that create BGIP solvers |
CBGIP_SolverCreatorInterface_T | BGIP_SolverCreatorInterface_T is an interface for classes that create BGIP solvers |
CBGIP_SolverMaxPlus | BGIP_SolverMaxPlus is a class that performs max plus for BGIPs (without agents independence) |
CBGIP_SolverRandom | BGIP_SolverRandom creates random solutions to Bayesian games for testing purposes |
CBGIPSolution | BGIPSolution represents a solution for BayesianGameIdenticalPayoff |
CBruteForceSearchPlanner | BruteForceSearchPlanner implements an exact solution algorithm |
CCompareVec | |
CCPDDiscreteInterface | CPDDiscreteInterface is an abstract base class that represents a conditional probability distribution |
CCPDKroneckerDelta | CPDKroneckerDelta implements a Kronecker delta-style CPD |
CCPT | CPT implements a conditional probability table |
CDecPOMDP | DecPOMDP is a simple implementation of DecPOMDPInterface |
CDecPOMDPDiscrete | DecPOMDPDiscrete represent a discrete DEC-POMDP model |
CDecPOMDPDiscreteInterface | DecPOMDPDiscreteInterface is the interface for a discrete DEC-POMDP model: it defines the set/get reward functions |
CDecPOMDPInterface | DecPOMDPInterface is an interface for DecPOMDPs |
CDICEPSPlanner | DICEPSPlanner implements the Direct Cross-Entropy Policy Search method |
CDiscreteEntity | DiscreteEntity is a general class for tracking discrete entities |
CE | E is a class that represents a basic exception |
CEDeadline | EDeadline represents a deadline exceeded expection |
CEInvalidIndex | EInvalidIndex represents an invalid index exception |
CENoSubScope | ENoSubScope represents an invalid index exception |
CENotCached | ENotCached represents an invalid index exception |
CEOverflow | EOverflow represents an integer overflow exception |
CEParse | EParse represents a parser exception |
CEventObservationModelMapping | EventObservationModelMapping implements an ObservationModelDiscrete which depends not only on the resulting state but also on the current state of the system, i.e. P(o(k+1) | s(k), ja(k), s(k+1)) |
CEventObservationModelMappingSparse | EventObservationModelMappingSparse implements an ObservationModelDiscrete |
CFactoredDecPOMDPDiscrete | FactoredDecPOMDPDiscrete is implements a factored DecPOMDPDiscrete |
CFactoredDecPOMDPDiscreteInterface | FactoredDecPOMDPDiscreteInterface is the interface for a Dec-POMDP with factored states |
CFactoredMMDPDiscrete | |
CFactoredQFunctionScopeForStage | FactoredQFunctionScopeForStage represents a Scope for one stage of a factored QFunction |
CFactoredQFunctionStateJAOHInterface | FactoredQFunctionStateJAOHInterface represents Q-value functions for factored discrete Dec-POMDPs |
CFactoredQLastTimeStepOrElse | FactoredQLastTimeStepOrElse is a class that represents a Q-function that is factored at the last stage, and non factored for earlier stages |
CFactoredQLastTimeStepOrQBG | FactoredQLastTimeStepOrQBG is a class that represents a Q-Function that is factored for the last stage (i.e., the factored immediate reward function) and the (non-factored) QBG function for the earlier stages |
CFactoredQLastTimeStepOrQMDP | FactoredQLastTimeStepOrQMDP is a class that represents a Q-Function that is factored for the last stage (i.e., the factored immediate reward function) and the (non-factored) QMDP function for the earlier stages |
CFactoredQLastTimeStepOrQPOMDP | FactoredQLastTimeStepOrQPOMDP is a class that represents a Q-Function that is factored for the last stage (i.e., the factored immediate reward function) and the (non-factored) QPOMDP function for the earlier stages |
CFactoredStateAOHDistribution | FactoredStateAOHDistribution is a class that represents a factored probability distribution over both states and action-observation histories |
CFactoredStateDistribution | FactoredStateDistribution is a class that represents a base class for factored state distributions |
CFG_Solver | |
CFG_SolverMaxPlus | FG_SolverMaxPlus optimizes (maximizes) a factor graph using max plus |
CFG_SolverNDP | FG_SolverNDP optimizes (maximizes) a factor graph using non-serial dynamic programming |
CFixedCapacityPriorityQueue | FixedCapacityPriorityQueue is a class that represents a priority queue with a fixed size |
CFSAOHDist_NECOF | FSAOHDist_NECOF is a class that represents a NEarly COmpletely Factored distribution over state factors and action-observation histories |
CFSDist_COF | FSDist_COF is a class that represents a completely factored state distribution |
CGeneralizedMAAStarPlanner | GeneralizedMAAStarPlanner is a class that represents the Generalized MAA* planner class |
CGeneralizedMAAStarPlannerForDecPOMDPDiscrete | GeneralizedMAAStarPlannerForDecPOMDPDiscrete is a class that represents the Generalized MAA* planner |
CGeneralizedMAAStarPlannerForFactoredDecPOMDPDiscrete | GeneralizedMAAStarPlannerForFactoredDecPOMDPDiscrete is a class that represents the Generalized MAA* planner |
CGMAA_kGMAA | GMAA_kGMAA is a class that represents a GMAA planner that performs k-GMAA, i.e |
CGMAA_kGMAACluster | GMAA_kGMAA is a class that represents a GMAA planner that performs k-GMAA, i.e |
CGMAA_MAA_ELSI | GMAA_MAA_ELSI Generalized MAA* Exploiting Last-Stage Independence |
CGMAA_MAAstar | GMAA_MAAstar is a class that represents a planner that performs MAA* as described by Szer et al |
CGMAA_MAAstarClassic | GMAA_MAAstarClassic is a class that represents a planner that performs MAA* as described by Szer et al |
CGMAA_MAAstarCluster | GMAA_MAAstarCluster is a class that represents a planner that performs MAA* as described by Szer et al |
CHistory | History is a general class for histories |
CIndividualBeliefJESP | IndividualBeliefJESP stores individual beliefs for the JESP algorithm |
CIndividualHistory | IndividualHistory represents a history for a single agent |
CInterface_ProblemToPolicyDiscrete | Interface_ProblemToPolicyDiscrete is an interface from discrete problems to policies |
CInterface_ProblemToPolicyDiscretePure | Interface_ProblemToPolicyDiscretePure is an interface from discrete problems to pure policies |
CJESPDynamicProgrammingPlanner | JESPDynamicProgrammingPlanner plans with the DP JESP algorithm |
CJESPExhaustivePlanner | JESPExhaustivePlanner plans with the Exhaustive JESP algorithm |
CJointAction | JointAction represents a joint action |
CJointActionDiscrete | JointActionDiscrete represents discrete joint actions |
CJointActionHistory | JointActionHistory represents a joint action history |
CJointActionHistoryTree | JointActionHistoryTree is a wrapper for JointActionHistory |
CJointActionObservationHistory | JointActionObservationHistory represents a joint action observation history |
CJointActionObservationHistoryTree | JointActionObservationHistoryTree is derived from TreeNode, and similar to ObservationHistoryTree: |
CJointBelief | JointBelief stores a joint belief, represented as a regular (dense) vector of doubles |
CJointBeliefEventDriven | JointBeliefEventDriven stores a joint belief, represented as a regular (dense) vector of doubles |
CJointBeliefInterface | JointBeliefInterface represents an interface for joint beliefs |
CJointBeliefSparse | JointBeliefSparse represents a sparse joint belief |
CJointHistory | JointHistory represents a joint history, i.e., a history for each agent |
CJointObservation | JointObservation is represents joint observations |
CJointObservationDiscrete | JointObservationDiscrete represents discrete joint observations |
CJointObservationHistory | JointObservationHistory represents a joint observation history |
CJointObservationHistoryTree | JointObservationHistoryTree is a class that represents a wrapper for the JointObservationHistory class |
CJointPolicy | JointPolicy is a class that represents a joint policy |
CJointPolicyDiscrete | JointPolicyDiscrete is a class that represents a discrete joint policy |
CJointPolicyDiscretePure | JointPolicyDiscretePure is represents a pure joint policy for a discrete MADP |
CJointPolicyPureVector | JointPolicyPureVector represents a discrete pure joint policy |
CJointPolicyPureVectorForClusteredBG | JointPolicyPureVectorForClusteredBG represents a joint policy for a clustered CBG |
CJointPolicyValuePair | JointPolicyValuePair is a wrapper for a partial joint policy and its heuristic value |
CJPolComponent_VectorImplementation | JPolComponent_VectorImplementation implements functionality common to several joint policy implementations |
CJPPVIndexValuePair | JPPVIndexValuePair represents a (JointPolicyPureVector,Value) pair |
CJPPVValuePair | JPPVValuePair represents a (JointPolicyPureVector,Value) pair, which stores the full JointPolicyPureVector |
CLocalBGValueFunctionBGCGWrapper | LocalBGValueFunctionBGCGWrapper is a class that represents a wrapper for a BayesianGameCollaborativeGraphical such that it implements the LocalBGValueFunctionInterface |
CLocalBGValueFunctionInterface | LocalBGValueFunctionInterface is a class that represents a local CGBG payoff function |
CLocalBGValueFunctionVector | LocalBGValueFunctionVector is a vector implementation of LocalBGValueFunctionInterface to represent an |
CMADPComponentDiscreteActions | MADPComponentDiscreteActions contains functionality for discrete action spaces |
CMADPComponentDiscreteObservations | MADPComponentDiscreteObservations contains functionality for discrete observation spaces |
CMADPComponentDiscreteStates | MADPComponentDiscreteStates is a class that represents a discrete state space |
CMADPComponentFactoredStates | MADPComponentFactoredStates is a class that represents a factored states space |
CMADPDiscreteStatistics | MADPDiscreteStatistics is a class that represents an object that can compute some statistics for a MADP Discrete |
CMADPParser | MADPParser is a general class for parsers in MADP |
CMaxPlusSolver | MaxPlusSolver is the base class for Max Plus methods, it stores the parameters |
CMaxPlusSolverForBGs | MaxPlusSolverForBGs solves BG via Max Plus |
CMDPPolicyIteration | MDPPolicyIteration implements policy iteration for MDPs via GPU |
CMDPPolicyIterationGPU | MDPPolicyIterationGPU implements policy iteration for MDPs via GPU |
CMDPSolver | MDPSolver is an interface for MDP solvers |
CMDPValueIteration | MDPValueIteration implements value iteration for MDPs |
CMonahanBGPlanner | MonahanBGPlanner is the Bayesian Game version of MonahanPOMDPPlanner |
CMonahanPlanner | MonahanPlanner provides shared functionality for MonahanPOMDPPlanner and MonahanBGPlanner |
CMonahanPOMDPPlanner | MonahanPOMDPPlanner implements Monahan's (1982) POMDP algorithm, which basically generates all possible next-step alpha vectors, followed by pruning |
CMultiAgentDecisionProcess | MultiAgentDecisionProcess is an class that defines the primary properties of a decision process |
CMultiAgentDecisionProcessDiscrete | MultiAgentDecisionProcessDiscrete is defines the primary properties of a discrete decision process |
►CMultiAgentDecisionProcessDiscreteFactoredStates | MultiAgentDecisionProcessDiscreteFactoredStates is a class that represents the dynamics of a MAS with a factored state space |
CBoundObservationProbFunctor | The BoundObservationProbFunctor class binds the "ComputeObservationProb" function to a templated object |
CBoundScopeFunctor | The BoundScopeFunctor class binds the "SetScopes" function to a templated object |
CBoundTransitionProbFunctor | The BoundTransitionProbFunctor class binds the "ComputeTransitionProb" function to a templated object |
CEmptyObservationProbFunctor | Can be used by fully-observable subclasses of MultiAgentDecisionProcessDiscreteFactoredStates, in order to initialize the 2DBN without requiring an actual observation function |
CObservationProbFunctor | This is the base class for functors that return the observation probability for a given (s,a,s',o) tuple |
CScopeFunctor | This is the base class for functors that set the scopes of the 2-DBN |
CTransitionProbFunctor | This is the base class for functors that return the transition probability for a given (s,a,s') tuple |
CMultiAgentDecisionProcessDiscreteFactoredStatesInterface | MultiAgentDecisionProcessDiscreteFactoredStatesInterface is the interface for factored state problems |
CMultiAgentDecisionProcessDiscreteInterface | MultiAgentDecisionProcessDiscreteInterface is an abstract base class that defines publicly accessible member functions that a discrete multiagent decision process must implement |
CMultiAgentDecisionProcessInterface | MultiAgentDecisionProcessInterface is an abstract base class that declares the primary properties of a multiagent decision process |
CNamedDescribedEntity | NamedDescribedEntity represents named entities |
CNullPlanner | NullPlanner represents a planner which does nothing, but can be used to instantiate a PlanningUnitDecPOMDPDiscrete |
CNullPlannerFactored | NullPlannerFactored represents a planner which does nothing, but can be used to instantiate a PlanningUnitDecFactoredPOMDPDiscrete |
CNullPlannerTOI | NullPlannerTOI represents a planner which does nothing, but can be used to instantiate a PlanningUnitTOIDecPOMDPDiscrete |
CObservation | Observation represents observations |
CObservationDiscrete | ObservationDiscrete represents discrete observations |
CObservationHistory | ObservationHistory represents an action history of a single agent |
CObservationHistoryTree | ObservationHistoryTree is a wrapper for the ObservationHistory class |
CObservationModel | ObservationModel represents the observation model in a decision process |
CObservationModelDiscrete | ObservationModelDiscrete represents a discrete observation model |
CObservationModelDiscreteInterface | ObservationModelDiscreteInterface represents a discrete observation model |
CObservationModelMapping | ObservationModelMapping implements an ObservationModelDiscrete |
CObservationModelMappingSparse | ObservationModelMappingSparse implements an ObservationModelDiscrete |
COGet | OGet can be used for direct access to the observation model |
COGet_EventObservationModelMapping | |
COGet_EventObservationModelMappingSparse | |
COGet_ObservationModelMapping | OGet_ObservationModelMapping can be used for direct access to a ObservationModelMapping |
COGet_ObservationModelMappingSparse | OGet_ObservationModelMappingSparse can be used for direct access to a ObservationModelMappingSparse |
COnlineMDPPlanner | OnlineMDPPlanner provides an abstract base class for online MDP planners |
COptimalValueDatabase | OptimalValueDatabase provides values of optimal policies for problems, so to be used for verification purposes |
CParserInterface | ParserInterface is an interface for parsers |
CParserPOMDPDiscrete | |
CParserProbModelXML | ParserProbModelXML is a parser for factored Dec-POMDP models written in ProbModelXML |
CParserTOICompactRewardDecPOMDPDiscrete | ParserTOICompactRewardDecPOMDPDiscrete is a parser for TOICompactRewardDecPOMDPDiscrete |
CParserTOIDecMDPDiscrete | ParserTOIDecMDPDiscrete is a parser for TOIDecMDPDiscrete |
CParserTOIDecPOMDPDiscrete | ParserTOIDecPOMDPDiscrete is a parser for TOIDecPOMDPDiscrete |
CParserTOIFactoredRewardDecPOMDPDiscrete | ParserTOIFactoredRewardDecPOMDPDiscrete is a parser for TransitionObservationIndependentFactoredRewardDecPOMDPDiscrete |
CPartialJointPolicy | PartialJointPolicy represents a joint policy that is only specified for t time steps instead of for every time step |
CPartialJointPolicyDiscretePure | PartialJointPolicyDiscretePure is a discrete and pure PartialJointPolicy |
CPartialJointPolicyPureVector | PartialJointPolicyPureVector implements a PartialJointPolicy using a mapping of history indices to actions |
CPartialJointPolicyValuePair | PartialJointPolicyValuePair is a wrapper for a partial joint policy and its heuristic value |
CPartialJPDPValuePair | PartialJPDPValuePair represents a (PartialJointPolicyDiscretePure,Value) pair, which stores the full PartialJointPolicyDiscretePure |
CPartialJPPVIndexValuePair | PartialJPPVIndexValuePair represents a (PartialJointPolicyPureVector,Value) pair |
CPartialPolicyPoolInterface | PartialPolicyPoolInterface is an interface for PolicyPools containing Partial Joint Policies |
CPartialPolicyPoolItemInterface | PartialPolicyPoolItemInterface is a class that gives the interface for a PolicyPoolItem |
CPDDiscreteInterface | PDDiscreteInterface is an abstract base class that represents a joint probability distribution |
CPerseus | Perseus contains basic functionality for the Perseus planner |
CPerseusBGNSPlanner | PerseusBGNSPlanner implements the Perseus planning algorithm for BGs with non-stationary QFunctions |
CPerseusBGPlanner | PerseusBGPlanner implements the Perseus planning algorithm for BGs |
CPerseusBGPOMDPPlanner | PerseusBGPOMDPPlanner implements the Perseus planning algorithm with for mixed BG/POMDP backups |
CPerseusConstrainedPOMDPPlanner | The PerseusConstrainedPOMDPPlanner is a Perseus variant which skips action selection if the agent receives a "false-negative" observation, which in practice means that the agent cannot react to an event which it failed to detect |
CPerseusNonStationary | PerseusNonStationary is Perseus for non-stationary policies |
CPerseusNonStationaryQPlanner | PerseusNonStationaryQPlanner is a Perseus planner that uses non-stationary QFunctions |
CPerseusPOMDPPlanner | PerseusPOMDPPlanner implements the Perseus planning algorithm for POMDPs |
CPerseusQFunctionPlanner | PerseusQFunctionPlanner is a Perseus planner that uses QFunctions |
CPerseusStationary | PerseusStationary is Perseus for stationary policies |
CPerseusWeightedPlanner | PerseusWeightedPlanner implements the Perseus planning algorithm with a weighted BG/POMDP backup |
CPlanningUnit | PlanningUnit represents a planning unit, i.e., a planning algorithm |
CPlanningUnitDecPOMDPDiscrete | PlanningUnitDecPOMDPDiscrete represents a planning unit for discrete Dec-POMDPs |
CPlanningUnitFactoredDecPOMDPDiscrete | PlanningUnitFactoredDecPOMDPDiscrete is a class that represents a planning unit for factored discrete Dec-POMDPs |
CPlanningUnitMADPDiscrete | PlanningUnitMADPDiscrete represents a Planning unit for a discrete MADP (discrete actions, observations and states) |
CPlanningUnitMADPDiscreteParameters | PlanningUnitMADPDiscreteParameters stores parameters of PlanningUnitMADPDiscrete |
CPlanningUnitTOIDecPOMDPDiscrete | PlanningUnitTOIDecPOMDPDiscrete represents a planning unit for transition observation independent discrete Dec-POMDPs |
CPolicy | Policy is a class that represents a policy for a single agent |
CPolicyDiscrete | PolicyDiscrete is a class that represents a discrete policy |
CPolicyDiscretePure | PolicyDiscretePure is an abstract class that represents a pure policy for a discrete MADP |
CPolicyPoolInterface | PolicyPoolInterface is an interface for PolicyPools containing fully defined Joint Policies |
CPolicyPoolItemInterface | PolicyPoolItemInterface is a class that gives the interface for a PolicyPoolItem |
CPolicyPoolJPolValPair | PolicyPoolJPolValPair is a policy pool with joint policy - value pairs |
CPolicyPoolPartialJPolValPair | PolicyPoolJPolValPair is a policy pool with partial joint policy - value pairs |
CPolicyPureVector | PolicyPureVector is a class that represents a pure (=deterministic) policy |
CPOMDPDiscrete | POMDPDiscrete models discrete POMDPs |
CPOSG | POSG is a simple implementation of POSGInterface |
CPOSGDiscrete | POSGDiscrete represent a discrete POSG model |
CPOSGDiscreteInterface | POSGDiscreteInterface is the interface for a discrete POSG model: it defines the set/get reward functions |
CPOSGInterface | POSGInterface is an interface for POSGs |
►CProblem_CGBG_FF | Problem_CGBG_FF reprents a generalized single-shot fire fighting problem |
CdiPairComp | |
CProblemAloha | |
CProblemDecTiger | ProblemDecTiger implements the DecTiger problem |
CProblemDecTigerWithCreaks | ProblemDecTigerWithCreaks implements a variation of the DecTiger problem, in which an agent can hear whether the other agent has tried to open a door |
CProblemFireFighting | ProblemFireFighting is a class that represents the firefighting problem as described in refGMAA (DOC-references.h) |
CProblemFireFightingFactored | ProblemFireFightingFactored is a factored implementation of the FireFighting problem introduced in (Oliehoek, Spaan, Vlassis, JAIR 32, 2008) |
CProblemFireFightingGraph | ProblemFireFightingGraph is an implementation of the FactoredFireFighting problem introduced in (Oliehoek, Spaan, Whiteson, Vlassis, AAMAS 2008) |
CProblemFOBSFireFightingFactored | This is a template of how to implement a fully-observable problem from scratch (by deriving from FactoredMMDPDiscrete) |
CProblemFOBSFireFightingGraph | ProblemFOBSFireFightingGraph is an implementation of a fully overservable FireFightingGraph problem |
CQAlphaVector | QAlphaVector implements a QFunctionJointBelief using an alpha-vector based value function loaded from disk |
CQAV | QAV implements a QFunctionJointBelief using a planner based on alpha functions, for instance the Perseus planners |
CQAVParameters | |
CQBG | QBG is a class that represents the QBG heuristic |
CQBGPlanner_TreeIncPruneBnB | QBGPlanner_TreeIncPruneBnB computes vector-based QBG functions using tree-based incremental pruning |
CQFunction | QFunction is an abstract base class containing nothing |
CQFunctionForDecPOMDP | QFunctionForDecPOMDP is a class that represents a Q function for a Dec-POMDP |
CQFunctionForDecPOMDPInterface | QFunctionForDecPOMDPInterface is a class that represents a Q function for a Dec-POMDP |
CQFunctionForFactoredDecPOMDP | QFunctionForFactoredDecPOMDP is a base class for the implementation of a QFunction for a Factored DecPOMDP |
CQFunctionForFactoredDecPOMDPInterface | QFunctionForFactoredDecPOMDPInterface is a class that represents the interface for a QFunction for a Factored DecPOMDP |
CQFunctionInterface | QFunctionInterface is an abstract class for all Q-Functions |
CQFunctionJAOH | QFunctionJAOH represents a Q-function that operates on joint action-observation histories |
CQFunctionJAOHInterface | QFunctionJAOHInterface is a class that is an interface for heuristics of the shape Q(JointActionObservationHistory, JointAction) |
CQFunctionJAOHTree | QFunctionJAOHTree is represents QFunctionJAOH which store Qvalues in a tree |
CQFunctionJointBelief | QFunctionJointBelief represents a Q-function that operates on joint beliefs |
CQFunctionJointBeliefInterface | QFunctionJointBeliefInterface is an interface for QFunctionJointBelief |
CQHybrid | QHybrid is a class that represents the QHybrid heuristic |
CQMDP | QMDP is a class that represents the QMDP heuristic |
CQMonahanBG | QMonahanBG implements a QFunctionJAOH using MonahanBGPlanner |
CQMonahanPOMDP | QMonahanPOMDP implements a QFunctionJAOH using MonahanPOMDPPlanner |
CQPOMDP | QPOMDP is a class that represents the QPOMDP heuristic |
CQTable | QTable implements QTableInterface using a full matrix |
CQTableInterface | QTableInterface is the abstract base class for Q(., a) functions |
CQTreeIncPruneBG | QTreeIncPruneBG implements a QFunctionJAOH using TreeIncPruneBGPlanner |
CRewardModel | RewardModel represents the reward model in a decision process |
CRewardModelDiscreteInterface | RewardModelDiscreteInterface is an interface for discrete reward models |
CRewardModelMapping | RewardModelMapping represents a discrete reward model |
CRewardModelMappingSparse | RewardModelMappingSparse represents a discrete reward model |
CRewardModelMappingSparseMapped | RewardModelMappingSparseMapped represents a discrete reward model |
CRewardModelTOISparse | RewardModelTOISparse represents a discrete reward model based on vectors of states and actions |
CRGet | RGet can be used for direct access to a reward model |
CRGet_RewardModelMapping | RGet can be used for direct access to a RewardModelMapping |
CRGet_RewardModelMappingSparse | RGet can be used for direct access to a RewardModelMappingSparse |
CScope | |
CSimulation | Simulation is a class that simulates policies in order to test their control quality |
CSimulationAgent | SimulationAgent represents an agent in for class Simulation |
CSimulationDecPOMDPDiscrete | SimulationDecPOMDPDiscrete simulates policies in DecPOMDPDiscrete's |
CSimulationFactoredDecPOMDPDiscrete | SimulationFactoredDecPOMDPDiscrete simulates policies in FactoredDecPOMDPDiscrete's |
CSimulationResult | SimulationResult stores the results from simulating a joint policy, the obtained rewards in particular |
CSimulationTOIDecPOMDPDiscrete | SimulationTOIDecPOMDPDiscrete simulates policies in TOIDecPOMDPDiscrete's |
CState | State is a class that represent states |
CStateDiscrete | StateDiscrete represents discrete states |
CStateDistribution | StateDistribution is an interface for probability distributions over states |
CStateDistributionVector | StateDistributionVector represents a probability distribution over states as a vector of doubles |
CStateFactorDiscrete | StateFactorDiscrete is a class that represents a state variable, or factor |
CSystemOfLinearEquationsSolver | |
CTGet | TGet can be used for direct access to the transition model |
CTGet_TransitionModelMapping | TGet_TransitionModelMapping can be used for direct access to a TransitionModelMapping |
CTGet_TransitionModelMappingSparse | TGet_TransitionModelMappingSparse can be used for direct access to a TransitionModelMappingSparse |
CTimedAlgorithm | TimedAlgorithm allows for easy timekeeping of parts of an algorithm |
►CTiming | Timing provides a simple way of timing code |
CTimes | Stores the start and end of a timespan, in clock cycles |
CTOICompactRewardDecPOMDPDiscrete | TOICompactRewardDecPOMDPDiscrete is a class that represents a transition observation independent Dec-POMDP, in which the reward is the sum of each agent's individual reward plus some shared reward |
CTOIDecMDPDiscrete | TOIDecMDPDiscrete is a class that represents a transition observation indepedent discrete DecMDP |
CTOIDecPOMDPDiscrete | TOIDecPOMDPDiscrete is a class that represents a transition observation independent discrete DecPOMDP |
CTOIFactoredRewardDecPOMDPDiscrete | TOIFactoredRewardDecPOMDPDiscrete is a class that represents a transition observation independent Dec-POMDP, in which the reward is the sum of each agent's individual reward plus some shared reward |
CTransitionModel | TransitionModel represents the transition model in a decision process |
CTransitionModelDiscrete | TransitionModelDiscrete represents a discrete transition model |
CTransitionModelDiscreteInterface | TransitionModelDiscreteInterface represents a discrete transition model |
CTransitionModelMapping | TransitionModelMapping implements a TransitionModelDiscrete |
CTransitionModelMappingSparse | TransitionModelMappingSparse implements a TransitionModelDiscrete |
CTransitionObservationIndependentMADPDiscrete | TransitionObservationIndependentMADPDiscrete is an base class that defines the primary properties of a Transition and Observation independent decision process |
CTreeIncPruneBGPlanner | TreeIncPruneBGPlanner computes vector-based QBG functions using tree-based incremental pruning |
CTreeNode | TreeNode represents a node in a tree of histories, for instance observation histories |
CTwoStageDynamicBayesianNetwork | TwoStageDynamicBayesianNetwork (2DBN) is a class that represents the transition and observation model for a factored MADP |
CType | Type is an abstract class that represents a Type (e.g |
CType_AOHIndex | Type_AOHIndex is a implementation (extenstion) of Type and represents a type in e.g |
CType_PointerTuple | Type_PointerTuple is a implementation (extenstion) of Type and represents a type in e.g |
CTypeCluster | TypeCluster is a class that represents a cluster of Types |
CValueFunction | ValueFunction is a class that represents a value function of a joint policy |
CValueFunctionDecPOMDPDiscrete | ValueFunctionDecPOMDPDiscrete represents and calculates the value function of a (pure) joint policy for a discrete Dec-POMDP |